Guidelines for Planned Parenthood Ministry (Lawrenceville, GA)

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. (Psalm 127:3)
Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. (Proverbs 24:11)

Please review these guidelines. If you have questions or concerns, we would be happy to discuss them with you. We are fallen creatures and are prone to error. We’re not perfect, and we’re not asking you to be either. We just ask that all efforts are done in excellence and to the glory of God.

  1. The goal of this ministry, first and foremost, is to proclaim the one true gospel of Jesus Christ and to honor God with how we do it. Of second, but also high importance, is to save babies. If we merely convince someone intellectually or emotionally to spare their child’s life, but fail to get to the heart of the matter, they can also be intellectually or emotionally persuaded to follow through with an abortion. This is why the gospel is necessary. We believe it is God who saves souls through the preaching of His Son, and when God saves a person, abortion will not be an option.
  2. Pray! The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. Every element of this ministry must be bathed in prayer; otherwise, it is a vain and futile man-centered effort.
  3. We do not assume that every person visiting the clinic is there to have an abortion, although many/most are. Some do, in fact, visit for other services like birth control, pregnancy tests, or something else. As such, if you engage someone entering or exiting the clinic, please do not speak to them as if you are certain they are there for an abortion. It is best to say something like, “I’m not sure what brings you here today, but we’d like to offer you some information that we believe would be helpful for you.” Or, “Can we give you something to read before you go in there (or leave)?” From that point, you can talk about Planned Parenthood’s business, how they profit from the murder of babies, what the Bible says about murder, etc.
  4. It is important to respect the privacy of those entering or exiting the clinic. As such, please refrain from asking someone why they are there, or if they are there to have an abortion. It is likely they will tell you that it’s none of your business, and would probably be less likely to be open to listening to you.
  5. Do not step into or stand in the parking lot. The parking lot is private property, and we are required to stand behind the tree line while we are there. Exceptions may include someone walking over to talk to us, at which time we may approach them.
  6. Do not approach anyone unless they walk over to you. Again, the parking lot is private property. Also, we do not want to be perceived as a threat to anyone, including law enforcement.
  7. Let your conduct be above reproach. Whether you are engaging someone visiting the clinic, someone who pulls into the parking lot to talk (or express their anger), or if you are standing on the sidewalk holding a sign and a passerby expresses their opposition to you being there, always try to keep in mind that abortion is a heart issue. We do not “answer a fool according to his folly” (Proverbs 26:4) by responding with anger or aggression. We are there to honor the Lord with our speech, conduct, and thoughts.
  8. Be mindful when someone is preaching. If you feel you would like to engage someone entering or exiting the clinic, please be mindful if someone is preaching. Make every effort to not speak loudly over the preaching. Oftentimes, the person preaching will already be prepared to engage the individual, but sometimes we also use a “buddy system,” to allow tag-teaming. In other words, the one who is preaching may hand off to someone else in order to allow them to speak to the person, and when they are done, the one who was preaching will continue.
  9. SAFETY: If you bring a child, always be mindful as to where they are. This location is near a busy street with a lot of vehicles. If you are a male, and bring a woman or child with you, you are responsible for their care and protection. If you are a woman and come alone, we will make every reasonable effort to care for your safety.
  10. The gospel is not just for those who do business at Planned Parenthood. There are multiple businesses on the same property as Planned Parenthood, with many patrons going in and out. As such, be mindful that if you preach, what you say may also be heard by others. Therefore, be thorough and broad with regards to the scope of your gospel message. We want the Lord to not only save those doing business with Planned Parenthood, but also the business owners, workers, patrons, law enforcement, the Catholics, and anyone else whom God would appoint to hear the preaching.
  11. Coming out does not require you to evangelize, preach, pass out tracts or engage people in conversation. You are welcome to come along and watch or pray. Do not feel pressured to do something you are not comfortable doing.
  12. If you are a man, and a woman visiting the clinic wants to talk, but prefers to speak to another woman, and there are none serving with us, have someone available that you can call who will speak to them on the phone. Please do not refer them to the Catholic women who are there. As stated above, our primary goal is to proclaim the gospel, because when God changes the heart of a person, abortion will not be a consideration. We know from personal experience that the overwhelming majority of Catholics that are there do not believe that the gospel should be our primary objective.
  13. Respect law enforcement. The local police that provide security are likely off duty, and are being paid by Planned Parenthood to be there. Their first priority is to protect those who work and do business there. Although we vehemently disagree with them being there for that purpose, they also have provided a level of protection for us in the past, and we believe they would do so if someone were there with the intent of causing us harm. As such, do not attempt to berate or insult them, but rather, pray for them and preach the gospel to them if given the opportunity. If other law enforcement is ever called, they are more-than-likely on duty. Regardless, they all have arresting power.
  14. We have folders with information for other places to go, charity assistance, free counseling, and the gospel. If you would like to have some to be able to give out, please ask.
  15. Do not park in front of Planned Parenthood. The owner of the property has requested that only those doing business there be allowed to park directly in front of the building. You may park on the other side of the parking lot, the adjacent parking lot, or across the street.
  16. You are expected to be a member in good standing in a Bible preaching local church, or in the process of joining one. As a ministry that is sent out by a local church, we expect that those who join with us are also actively involved in a local congregation, and whose pastors or elders would affirm their participation in abortion ministry work. As such, your pastor(s) should be aware that are you doing this.

We understand this list is a bit lengthy, but we want to try and cover as much as we can with regards to this ministry, our requirements, and expectations. If we have left something out, or if you have ANY questions, again, please do not hesitate to ask. Please CLICK HERE to print and sign a copy of these guidelines.